Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sad day...

Wednesday October 17th was a very sad day. We had to put our 15 year old cat down. We rescued him from a shelter when he was 5 years old. He has lived with us for 10 years. He was the sweetest cat. He loved everyone---especially the girls. He played with them every day, slept on their beds at bedtime, and always had a way of cheering anyone up. Quite a few times when the girls had 'owies' he would come give them kisses. He was always around when visitors came---he loved attention. When the girls were napping he would come alert me when they would wake up (even though I have a baby monitor). He was always such a little babysitter...always good with the kids.

Emma with Iggy giving kisses

and hugs

 Olivia with Iggy

Giving Kisses

and hugs

 The Girls loved playing with him. He was so patient.


 Looking for a belly rub...
Aaron took him to the vet and the vet said that he has arthritis. He also has no more teeth. He also said he wouldn't be surprised if he was older than 15. There wasn't much we could do since he was so frail. He would need to take Arthritis medicine every day--- every couple of hours. The vet said at his age it would be best to 'put him down.' So, we decided that he wouldn't want to live on pain pills for the remainder of his life--which wouldn't be long. So, sadly we gave him lots of hugs and kisses and said our goodbyes. IF we ever get another cat, that cat will have huge paws to fill. No cat will ever be able to replace Iggy, but hopefully it can make the void in our hearts a little less small.....we love you Iggy!