Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Emma!

Here is Emma's Preschool Picture:

You turned 5 years old a few days ago. You have grown up so much. I had no idea you could be so teenager-esque in the wit and mockery department. You always make me laugh with your goofball answers. You also make me angry with your snappy comebacks.

You start Kindergarten this year. This makes me so proud and yet so sad at the same time. It also freaks me out quite a bit. Our firstborn baby has disappeared, only to be replaced by a beautiful and intelligent young lady. It hurts and gladdens my heart at the very same time. We can only wonder if we taught you enough of what you need, as others begin to teach you.

I remember the day Olivia was born and we feared the jealousy. Well, it never happened. Even when your littlest sister Abigail was born we feared the jealousy again. You never seemed to get jealous. You stepped in and wanted to be 'motherly' to them. Always wanting to help hold, burp, and feed your baby sister. You will always be the oldest and that carries with it a lot of responsibility. We think you will do very well.

Ahead of us are times of hobbies and sports. I can't wait to see what you love and discover new things that you are gifted in. You continue to surprise us everyday with the things you are able to do. Happy Birthday Big Girl, we love you soooo much!

Here is her Preschool Graduation picture: